'One or more duplicate resources found in Microsoft Project' when saving back to Clarity
Article ID: 93561
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Clarity PPM On PremiseClarity PPM SaaS
Unable to import/save a project back from Microsoft Project (MSP) to Clarity. The following pop-up error is received when attempting to save:
"One or more duplicate resources found in Microsoft Project. Cannot save."
If only one resource was added to the project via MSP, the error generated is: Resource [k] not found in CA PPM. Cannot Save.
All Supported Releases and Clarity Microsoft Project Integration.
This can happen if the resources are added via MSP and the Resource's Initials are not updated in MSP to match the resource's ID in Clarity.
MSP will automatically generate the 'Initials' for the resource as the first letter of the resource names which creates duplicates if you have resources on the team with the same first letter.
The Initials field in MSP maps to the Resource ID field in Clarity and must be unique on the project in MSP otherwise it considers it a duplicate resource since there is multiple resources with the same Initials value.
In MSP, go to the 'Resource Sheet' view (Click on the View tab and select the Resource Sheet view).
Check for the below:
Any duplicate values for the 'Initials' column.
Resource initials that do not match the user's Resource ID in Clarity (particularly those with just one letter displayed).
Update the Initials value for all applicable resources to the correct 'Resource ID' from Clarity.