CA Intertest CICS r 10 VRPT transaction report shows programs IN70AIDB , IN70FIDB and IN25TIAR not in PPT?
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CA Intertest CICS r 10 VRPT transaction report shows programs IN70AIDB , IN70FIDB and IN25TIAR not in PPT?


Article ID: 93560


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InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch InterTest VSE - CICS


The client just finished installing intertest and Symdump CICS release 10. When the client runs the Intertest CICS verification transaction VRPT the following programs are missing PPT table entries?
IN70AIDB program not in PPT
IN70FIDB program not in PPT
IN25TIAR program not in PPT




Since the client is not licensed for DB2 they did not perform the CA Intertest r 10 DB2 installation steps. As part of the DB2 installation the PPT table entries for programs IN70AIDB , IN70FIDB and IN25TIAR are added to CICS.


For Sites that are not licensed for DB2 these VRPT missing PPT entries message can be ignored. For users that are licensed for DB2 the CA Intertest CICS DB2 installation steps can be found at this link.
If you are not licensed for DB2 then you should turn off the LAST SQL capture in the CA Intertest IN25OPTS option module parameter  XRMIO=NO. That option can be found at this link.