How to upgrade CA WA Agent 11.3 to 11.4
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How to upgrade CA WA Agent 11.3 to 11.4


Article ID: 93546


Updated On:


Workload Automation Agent DSERIES- SERVER CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries)


The CA WA System Agent 11.4 is now available.  It is highly recommended to upgrade the 11.3 to 11.4.
The 11.4 version has several new enhancements and fixes.  The entire upgrade process is very straight-forward. 

How to upgrade the CA WA Agent 11.3 to 11.4?


CA WA System Agent on Linux/UNIX or Windows


Login to the CA Support Site and download the CA Workload Automation Agents DVD.
Follow these steps to download the DVD ISO:
1. Select on Download Management under Menu

2. Enter the Product in search bar, select the choice and press enter.

3. Next select any one the product line (SE or EE) as shown below and then download the DVD (same DVD will be provided with same agent software).

4. Once downloaded, extract the Setup file (Setup.exe or setup.bin) for your OS and platform.

  • Copy the setup file to the host where 11.3 agent is running.  Note: Copy the setup installer to where the CA Agent agent is installed.  E.g. /opt/CA/WA_Agent or C:\Program Files\CA\WA_Agent.
  • Stop the existing 11.3 agent.
  • Run the setup.exe or setup.bin
  • Review and accept the License agreement.
  • Review the settings, and press Enter.
  • The installer will complete the upgrade the agent.
  • Once completed, start the agent.
  • You can run the command cybAgent -vv to check the new version.  You should see an output as below:

[user@linux2 WA_Agent_11_4]# ./cybAgent -vv

CA Workload Automation Agent for:

   Linux x86_64 64-bit

   11.4, Service Pack 00, Maintenance Level 0, Build 1609

Additional Information

Note:  The 11.4 Agent no longer supports 32 bit platforms.  If you have a 32 bit CA Agent on 64 bit OS, then you can upgrade the agent to 11.4.  The installer will upgrade the 32 bit agent to 64 bit 11.4 Agent.  Please refer to Support Matrix for all the supported platforms.