CAHFMTK001E Failed to setup CCI communications Can't locate MCS
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CAHFMTK001E Failed to setup CCI communications Can't locate MCS


Article ID: 93497


Updated On: 04-20-2022


Output Management Web Viewer CA Output Management Distributed Repository Access System


Trying to bring up DRAS 14.0 

CAHFMTK001E Failed to setup CCI communications Can't locate MCS

Also possibly CAHFMTK018E Failed to initialize server(DRASRV12) IDI0034I Fault analysis skipped due to: EXCLUDE option specification (FAST) IEA995I SYMPTOM DUMP OUTPUT 027 SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=A03 TIME= SEQ=00278 CPU=0000 ASID=003C PSW AT TIME OF ERROR 070C2000 88CBFC28 ILC 2 INTC 0D NO ACTIVE MODULE FOUND NAME=UNKNOWN


Component: DRAS 14.0

Web Viewer 12.1 


ENF and/or it's CCITCP/CCISSL child task was not available for DRAS


The error "CAHFMTK001E Failed to setup CCI communications Can't locate MCS" is caused by either ENF and/or it's CCITCP/CCISSL child task was not available for the DRAS coming up when it tried to initiate the communication anchor.  If this occurs when the DRAS is started after the ENF/CCI tasks are successfully started, then it is a CCI (Common services) error that should be noted in that tasks JESMSGLG or other DSN.