SOI Manager web page issue - cannot access config pages
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SOI Manager web page issue - cannot access config pages


Article ID: 93298


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


Getting an error message on SOI manager web page when trying to access CA Service Operations Insight Manager Configuration.

              "Error Message is _took too long to respond"



SOI 4.x
Any Browser like Chrome, IE, Mozilla etc


All configuration pages are accessible from UI or Manager machines directly, but when trying to access SOI Dashboard -> Administration -> Manager Configuration

But when accessing from other machines then page doesn't open. However, UI configuration pages works as expected, only problem with Manager Configuration page(s).

This is due to host name resolution problem with SOI Manager Host from these machines



Host name resolution doesn't work for SOI Manager host from this machine but host name resolution works fine for UI server.

1) Please add this host name entry on this machine (\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) file as mentioned below...

      <SOI Manager IP Address>      <SOI Manager Host Name>

2) Close & Reopen browser and open SOI Dashboard, now it should be able to open Manager Configuration pages