Have given several users administrator capabilities but they still cannot execute some commands in TPXOPER
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Have given several users administrator capabilities but they still cannot execute some commands in TPXOPER


Article ID: 93286


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


Trying to remember how to set up a userid to be an administrator with all capabilities and functions.
After converting the production database I was trying to setup the ADMIN users.  We can now do all admin functions other than a reload from TPXOPER.


CA TPX for z/OS


Confirm that the user has the desired Administrator Capabilities (Master, User, System, Operator):
  • Review the settings for this user: User/Group Maintenance - User Maintenance - Administrator Capabilities
  • Set all for TPX to Y and save with PF3. (Do not change for STX; leave as N.) 
Confirm that the user has the desired authorization as defined by the three classes assigned under their User Options:
  • Command class:  determines which TPX commands and options the user can use.  
  • Operator Cmd Cls:  determines which TPX operator commands the user can use.  
  • Update class: determines which parameters the user can modify during self-maintenance.
During installation, the ADMIN files are populated with data to assist customers to quickly be able to use TPX.  Several classes are defined for each of the above and populated with a level of access.  For example:
  • ​D - assign this class to regular or default users.  These have been configured with basic access, a mix of Y and N. You may modify these as you require although a better option is to clone/copy to a new class and make your modifications there.
  • P - assign this class to any users needing complete access, such as your TPX administrators.  Class P usually has all parameters set to Y.

Additional Information

  • User will need to signoff/on to pick up the changes.