SSO: What does the Authentication URL in the subscription settings do?
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SSO: What does the Authentication URL in the subscription settings do?


Article ID: 93282


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Rally SaaS


What does the SSO Authentication URL do in the subscription settings?


This URL is used for the following reasons:

  • Used for redirecting users to their corporate SSO when they enter a username at the Rally login form or click a bookmark that references a subscription-specific page in Rally.
  • It is included in email communication to users.
  • It shows at the bottom of the logout screen.
  • Provides a reference for setting up the legacy Excel plug-in.  The latest version for Excel 365/2016 (beta plugin) uses a different process for authentication.

This URL does not affect the actual SSO partnership or the ability for users to use the URL to connect to Rally.

Additional Information

keywords: agile central, rally, single sign on, sso, address, url