SOAP Web Service API methods To Create An Incident As A Template
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SOAP Web Service API methods To Create An Incident As A Template


Article ID: 93268


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


From web interface, an analyst can create an incident and set the template name/quick template type all on the same web page. However, this can't be done using just createRequest() method only from soap web service API. createObject() would need with proper attribute values after the createRequest() call. This tech doc shows how this can be done.


Service Desk Manager/CMDB 12.9 or higher on Windows/Unix/Linux


This is a two steps process:

1. call createRequest() method using type=I and template_name=the-template-name, along with other attributes
    for example

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">


            <string>Example of template incident</string>




This will return the newRequestHandle and you would need this value in the next call.

2. call createObject() for cr_tpl object with template=newRequestHandle,template_name=the-same-temaple-name-as-step1, with proper quick_tmpl_type
    for example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">





In this example, cr:400613 is the newRequestHandle from step 1 and exampleTemplate is the SAME as step 1. And for quick_templ_type,
this is the mapping:

0--Not a quick template
1--Doesn't require review before save
2--Requires review before save