Is it possible to change the threshold values of Spectrum SPM Tests that are discovered as Read-Only?
Is it possible to change the threshold values of Spectrum SPM Tests that are discovered as Read-Only?
Article ID: 93197
Updated On: 03-20-2020
CA Spectrum
Is it possible to change the threshold values of Spectrum SPM Tests that are discovered as Read-Only?
Any Spectrum version
For Read-Only discovered SPM tests you can change the threshold values for alarming in Spectrum as the thresholds are not part of the test and are used as criteria for Spectrum to create an event or alarm.
To change the threshold of a SPM test you can go to Locater, SPM, All Tests and selected one of the tests that was discovered as Read-Only. You can then edit the test by selecting the 4th icon from the left (the clock with the pencil icon) and then by clicking the thresholds tab and change whatever threshold you would like.