How to Backup and Restore SOI services using WSSSaServiceCmd
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How to Backup and Restore SOI services using WSSSaServiceCmd


Article ID: 93190


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CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


The WSSamServiceCmd utility allows you to import and export services, escalation policies, and escalation actions.

This utility exports Service definitions and their associated CI's and relationships from the SA Store database into an XML file. The same xml file is used to import services back to the database


SOI 3.x, 4.x


We need to run this command on the SOI manager Node. Before importing or exporting a service, generate an encrypted password by executing WSSamEncryptCmd command.

Syntax: WSSamEncryptCmd.bat <text to encrypt>

Once this is done, you can use the WSSaServiceCmd command to export and import a service.

WSSaServiceCmd -h<wsHostName:wsPort> -u<wsUsername> -p<encrypted wsPassword> -a<Export|Import> -s<Service InstanceID|*> -f<filename>
-- command to be executed in [C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SOI\tomcat\bin]

For example, 

Exporting a particular service:
WSSSAServiceCmd -hlocalhost:7090 -usamuser -p"EFbJeXR3zLsi9aPfOQ9FzRVOPPEUwCGxCWUFTNF4kxKD" -aImport -s"Service:servicename,WSMan New Service" -fc:/myServiceImport.xml

Importing a particular service:
WSSSAServiceCmd -hlocalhost:7090 -usamuser -p"EFbJeXR3zLsi9aPfOQ9FzRVOPPEUwCGxCWUFTNF4kxKD" -aImport -s"Service:servicename,WSMan New Service" -fc:/myServiceImport.xml


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