We need to run this command on the SOI manager Node. Before importing or exporting a service, generate an encrypted password by executing WSSamEncryptCmd command.
Syntax: WSSamEncryptCmd.bat <text to encrypt>
Once this is done, you can use the WSSaServiceCmd command to export and import a service.
WSSaServiceCmd -h<wsHostName:wsPort> -u<wsUsername> -p<encrypted wsPassword> -a<Export|Import> -s<Service InstanceID|*> -f<filename>
-- command to be executed in [C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SOI\tomcat\bin]
For example,
Exporting a particular service:
WSSSAServiceCmd -hlocalhost:7090 -usamuser -p"EFbJeXR3zLsi9aPfOQ9FzRVOPPEUwCGxCWUFTNF4kxKD" -aImport -s"Service:servicename,WSMan New Service" -fc:/myServiceImport.xml
Importing a particular service:
WSSSAServiceCmd -hlocalhost:7090 -usamuser -p"EFbJeXR3zLsi9aPfOQ9FzRVOPPEUwCGxCWUFTNF4kxKD" -aImport -s"Service:servicename,WSMan New Service" -fc:/myServiceImport.xml
WSS Command Usage (SOI 4.2 documentation)
Click the link below to view a video on how to back up and restore the services.
Backup and Restore services in SOI (youtube video posted on the Broadcom Education Channel)