Alter strategy to convert a column to DATE type failed with 'RMA231E ERROR OCCURED DURING GENERATION OF LOAD CONTROL CARDS FOR TABLE ... MASK IS MISSING' error message
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Alter strategy to convert a column to DATE type failed with 'RMA231E ERROR OCCURED DURING GENERATION OF LOAD CONTROL CARDS FOR TABLE ... MASK IS MISSING' error message


Article ID: 9308


Updated On:


RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS


RC/Migrator Alter strategy to convert a column from CHAR (10) to DATE type failed with 'RMA231E ERROR OCCURED DURING GENERATION OF LOAD CONTROL CARDS FOR TABLE ... MASK IS MISSING' error message during the Analysis of the strategy. Mask YYYY-MM-DD was specified for the column to convert when the Alter strategy was created.


Component: RCM


Mask YYYY-MM-DD was not correct. It should be CCYY-MM-DD or CCYY.MM.DD or CCYY/MM/DD, YYYY cannot be used for year.
Some examples of valid masks for DATE conversion are:             
YYMMDD      YY/MM/DD      CCYY/MM/DD    CC - CENTURY              
MMDDYY      MM/DD/YY      MM/DD/CCYY    YY - YEAR                 
DDMMYY      DD/MM/YY      DD/YY/CCYY    MM - MONTH                
YYWWD       YY.WW.D       CCYY.WW.D     WW - WEEK                 
 .           .             .            DD - DAY                  
 .           .             .                                      
 etc...      etc...        etc...       ANY DELIMETERS MAY BE USED.