The commands uniexp and uniimp that are delivered with UVMS in v6.9.01 fail.
When putting the mandatory arguments (area, company etc.) first, they are ignored, for instance:
./uniimp -area X -company <COMPANY> -mshost <UVMS hostname> -msport <port> -login <login> -pwd <password> -node <DUAS node name> -file "FILE_NAME" -upr "UPROC_NAME"
UniViewer Management Server environment loaded.
Missing -area parameter.
Note carefully that, if you have a "Unknown object" error using uniimp/uniexp on UVMS in a version pre-6.9, this is because these commands were not yet integrated. In that case use the Upgrade Toolkit!
When putting the to be extracted object first, it is ignored as well. The error indicates that the object is not found, for instance:
./uniexp -upr "UPROC_NAME" -area X -company <COMPANY> -mshost <UVMS hostname> -msport <port> -login <login> -pwd <password> -node <DUAS node name> -file "FILE_NAME"
UniViewer Management Server environment loaded.
-mshost MGMTNODE -msport 4184 -login admin -pwd ***** -company MNGR62 -node NODENAME -area X -file /tmp/MVE_exp -full false -summary false -overwrite false -bvdep false
Release: ADUASU99000-6.9-Automic Dollar Universe-AS - UNIX
The first argument is not correctly taken into account
Add an additional parameter like [] directly after uniexp / uniimp command.
./uniexp [] -upr "UPROC_NAME" -area X -company <COMPANY> -mshost <UVMS hostname> -msport <port> -login <login> -pwd <password> -node <DUAS node name> -file "FILE_NAME"
Alternatively, the Upgrade Toolkit can be used. The commands uniexp and uniimp in the toolkit don't have the issue.
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version:
Component(s): Upgrade Toolkit
Dollar Universe 6.9.41 - Planned release 2018-10-01