How to add custom columns to Service Desk search results? Example, how to add SLA Violation column while exporting search Incidents report using export button?
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How to add custom columns to Service Desk search results? Example, how to add SLA Violation column while exporting search Incidents report using export button?


Article ID: 93050


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


While generating incidents report using export option we are getting default columns in exported excel report. How do we add a custom column e.g. SLA Violation in the default report.


All versions of CA Service Desk Manager.


1. Open list_in.htmpl with Web Screen Painter
2. Add SLA Violation button as shown in the below screen shot.

3. Once done, please save and then publish.
4. Logoff and then log in back, now once you export a new report, you will find the new 'SLA Violation' column added to your report as shown below:

Additional Information

Information on using Web Screen Painter is available here (link)