IEC030I B37-04 when generating a model
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IEC030I B37-04 when generating a model


Article ID: 92967


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Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


During the generation of a model a compile job ABENDs with the IBM error message
IEC030I B37-04,module,jobname,step-name,

The message IEC030I B37-04 indicates that insufficient space was allocated for output data set TICxxx
or the available space on the appropriate volume was not sufficient.
(for more details check the complete explanation of the message IEC030I within the IBM Knowledge Center).
Example :   
The message >> IEC030I B37-04,IFG0554A,CHR9411,DCISPF,TICUT7,8486,HXT029,…  << indicates
that the output data-set
TICUT7 has been allocated with insufficient space
or the available space on the appropriate volume wasn’t sufficient.    



Gen Host Encyclopedia. 


Most commenly you need to adjust the size of this output datset TICxxx
To do so you have to increase the appropriate parameters within the Gen parmlib member TIHUE.
Have a look into the parmlib member TIHUE for the explanation of these parameters.
Example :   
The message IEC030I B37-04,IFG0554A,CHR9411,DCISPF,TICUT7,8486,HXT029,…  
indicates, that the size of the output data-set TICUT7 needs to be adjusted.
To allocate more space for dataset TICUT7 you need to increase the values specified for
TICASUTP (primary allocation) and TICASUTS (secondary allocation).
To do so you increase the values "nnn" within the Gen parmlib member TIUHE :
The default value for "nnn" (the number of tracks) for these two parameters is 150.
Often times increasing this value of 500 will be sufficient.