Missing data in Rally Reports Chart
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Missing data in Rally Reports Chart


Article ID: 92914


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


Occasionally, a user might find a chart has a gap in the data displayed. For example:


​There are two reasons why a chart has missing data:

  1. Something happened when the system ran the data collection, therefore it does not show data during those days.
  2. The Iteration/Release Date changed.
    • For example, the original Release end date is 2018/03/31, but the end date changed to 2018/04/31 on 2018/04/15. So the system did not collect any data from 2018/04/01 to 2018/04/15. Now, after 2018/04/16, the user will see a gap in the charts since it missed collecting data from 2018/04/01 to 2018/04/15.


  • If the date was changed, as in the example in number two above, support will not be able to fix this because the data collection job needs to run every day to build the chart. 
  • If the Date was not changed create a support case (please provide your workspace timezone setting), and if possible the support team will re-run the data collection job to retrieve the data.
    • To find the Rally workspace timezone:
      • Navigate to the Admin Pages - this must be done by a Rally Workspace Administrator or a Rally Subscription Administrator
      • Select the Workspaces and Projects tab
      • Select the Workspace where the issue is seen
      • Confirm the "Timezone" setting on the Workspace page

Additional Information

keywords: missing data, burndown chart, burnup, missing days, data collection, data repair, gap, A0, A1 and A2