Spectrum data source synchronization failed
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Spectrum data source synchronization failed


Article ID: 92896


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps CA Spectrum


When attempting to synchronize the Spectrum Data Source, a "Synchronization failed" error message is returned. 


Dx NetOps 21.2.x

DxNetOps 20.2.x


When looking at the DMService.log file on the NetOps Portal system we see the error: 

ERROR | pool-2-thread-2375 | 2018-01-31 00:02:16,831 | com.ca.im.portal.dm.productsync.DataSourcePoller | 
An error occurred during a sync request with data source Spectrum Infrastructure Manager@<SYSTEMNAME>: additional info: enum.datasourceerror.DS_PRODUCT_ID_CHANGED. The following stack trace shows the context of the sync request: 
com.ca.im.portal.api.services.interfaces.datasource.DataSourceOp$Exception: enum.datasourceerror.DS_PRODUCT_ID_CHANGED

This means the GUID in Spectrum is not matching the GUID in NetOps Portal. Reinstalls and hardware swaps can cause this to occur.


To resolve this: 

1. Get the GUI from the Spectrum server
Under Windows:
a. Run bash -login (command line prompt),

b. cd $SPECROOT/mysql/bin 

c. Run; ./mysql -uroot -proot 

d. When the MySQL command prompt appears, run the following;

mysql>use netqos_integ
myslq>select * from registry;

This should return something similar to;

| attribute | value                                | 
| guid      | 61982d30-9978-4a2e-9183-a0eb2ef8c3ce | 


Under Linux:

e. cd $SPECROOT/mysql/bin 

f. Run the following: 

./mysql--defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -proot  
mysql>use netqos_integ
mysql>select * from registry;

This should return something similar to;

| attribute | value                                | 
| guid      | 61982d30-9978-4a2e-9183-a0eb2ef8c3ce | 


2. Update the SourceGUID on the NetOps Portal system to the guid from the Spectrum system;

mysql -unetqos -p<PASSWORD>
mysql>use netqosportal
mysql>select SourceID,SourceGUID,ConsoleName from data_sources2;

This will return something similar to;

| SourceID | SourceGUID                           | ConsoleName                                     |
|        0 | 7ad19999-af87-4cf4-a68c-0bf5c1e3f5f7 | CA Performance Center                           |
|        2 | 41e28329a7934bf48b8f4c32d2639b3e     | EventManager@verri01-F170346                    |
|        3 | 9f2dff7b6f5f43a2ac72f2cb24d1794f     | Data Aggregator@verri01-F170345                 |
|        4 | fea5625d-17a1-4229-a7f0-975040ecc3dd | Spectrum Infrastructure Manager@verri01-f165512 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3. Note the SourceID  for the Spectrum Infrastructure Manager Console and then update the SourceGUID  to the guid you got from Spectrum. 

mysql>update data_sources2 set SourceGUID='61982d30-9978-4a2e-9183-a0eb2ef8c3ce' where SourceID=4;

4. In the NetOps Portal GUI under Administration -> Data Sources, run a full Spectrum sync