Completely remove Spectrum data source from DX Netops Performance Management
Article ID: 92874
Updated On:
CA Performance Management - Usage and AdministrationDX NetOpsCA Spectrum
The article details the steps required to remove a Spectrum Data Source from DX NetOps Performance Management.
Use these steps if you:
Migrated the Spectrum OneClick web server to a new host as part of an upgrade or rebuild.
Replace the existing integrated OneClick web server Data Source with a new different OneClick server.
Once Spectrum is added as a Data Source to Performance Management it may need to be deleted again due to a change in the environment. How can this be done?
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases
To completely remove a Spectrum data source from DX Netops Performance Management, do the following:
In the the Performance Management web Portal UI go to Administration->Data Sources->Data Sources.
Select the Spectrum Data Source and select the Delete button. A warning will then appear that needs to be accepted.
Wait until the Spectrum Data Source removal is complete. When it's gone from the Manage Data Sources page it's fully removed.
Note: If the Delete option is greyed out, contact your Admin to have the "Delete Data Sources" Role Right added to the Role assigned to your user. More details can be found on the Role Rights documentation topic.
On the Spectrum One Click web server perform the following steps to remove the integration database currently present. Use the steps needed for your OneClick web server OS.
Under Windows: a. Run bash -login (UNIX bash style command prompt for Windows), then cd $SPECROOT/mysql/bin Where$SPECROOT is the Spectrum install directory. b. Then run; ./mysql -uroot -p
Under Linux: a. cd $SPECROOT/mysql/bindirectory, and run the following: b. Then run;./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p
in both cases above, enter the MySQL password when prompted.
At the MySQL command prompt (mysql>), run; drop database netqos_integ;
Restart tomcat.
Now it's safe to add the new Spectrum Data Source to the Performance Management Portal web UI. Once complete, rebuild your criteria to populate the 'Default Domain' IP Domain collection in Spectrum