SOLVE:Access STC hangs on initialization
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SOLVE:Access STC hangs on initialization


Article ID: 9286


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CMDB for z/OS NetSpy Network Performance NetMaster Network Automation SOLVE NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management SOLVE:Operations Automation SOLVE:Access Session Management SOLVE:FTS


The SOLVE:Access STC begins to initialize but then hangs. The VTAM ACB never opens.


All releases of SOLVE:AccessSOLVE:OperationsSOLVE:CentralNetmaster Suite


This can have various causes. The most common ones:

1. There is a problem in the RUNSYSIN.

2. There is a problem with the VTAM ACB. 

3. One or more necessary data sets are archived and the restore failed.  



1. For problems with the RUNSYSIN; check the log for messages and look at where startup ends - if it gets that far.

2. For problems with the VTAM ACB; the ACB must be in CNCT status prior to starting the region.
    You can also try varying  the major node INACT then ACT to see if that resolves the problem.

3. For problems with data sets - check the output of the very first failed startup.
   There should be messages in there indicating which files are archived.  
   If nothing shows up, you can check all SOLVE datasets in TSO 3.4 and verify that they are available on DASD.


If your problem persists after checking these items, please contact support for assistance and supply the complete output from your SOLVE task.