CAUIM CABI - Cabi Installation Fails java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: cabi webapp at 'http://<IP>/cabijs' failed to start in 10 minutes
The cabi probe (bundled) fails to start and is in an error (red) state, cabi.log shows:
[main, cabi] changing probe state from 'INSTALLING_CABI' to 'STARTING_WASP' [main, cabi] activating wasp... [main, cabi] waiting for wasp to start... [main, cabi] wasp has started [time taken=1 minute(s) 30 second(s) (90483 ms)] [main, cabi] getting wasp port ... [main, cabi] waiting for cabi webapp @ http://<IP/PORT>/cabijs to start responding ... [main, cabi] java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: cabi webapp at 'http://<IP/PORT>/cabijs' failed to start in 10 minutes at at at
Ensure the cabi port is not being used on the server where the cabi probe/robot is running.