When LDAP integration to authenticate user's passwords to login to UVMS via the Univiewer console is not required any more but the login accounts need to be kept.
Release: ADUNAS99000-6.0-Automic Dollar Universe-AS Component:
1) Go to folder .._MgtServer/app/bin
2) Run the ./unisetvar AUTHENTICATION_MODE I command to remove LDAP integration.
3) Restart UVMS for the change to work.
4) Modify or create user accounts as applies based on UVMS version.
For UVMS version 6.x:
1- Go into each existing ID via the UniViewer console and change from LDAP to Internal account 2- Set the password manually (instead of using LDAP passwords). 3- Assign the Group/Role as required.
For UVMS versions < 6.x
Users should be deleted and re-created via command line To add a user account uniadd LOGIN –admin -login <arg> -label <arg> –pwd <arg> -type <arg> -lockpwd -override –offline To delete a user account unidlt LOGIN -login <arg> –type <arg>