WebClient does not load properly
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WebClient does not load properly


Article ID: 9280


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


When trying to launch the WebClient from the OneClick Web Page, the client will load however the information is missing.



Spectrum 10.2.2


If you check either of the following log files from the OneClick server depending on your Operating System:


<SPECROOT>/tomcat/logs/stdout.log  (Windows)

<SPECROOT>/tomcat/logs/catalina.out  (Linux/Solaris)


You may see the following error:

(http-bio-80-exec-10) (org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils) - (WARN) - .No operation matching request path /webui/alarmtblcolnames is found, HTTP Method : GET, ContentType : */*, Accept : application/json,text/javascript,*/*;q=0.01,.


(http-bio-80-exec-10) (org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.WebApplicationExceptionMapper) - (WARN) - WebApplicationException has been caught : no cause is available


In 10.2.2 the REST end point alarmtblcolnames is renamed to alarmtablepreferences so in the new webuiAll-min.js file refers to alarmtablepreferences.

If you clear the browser cache, the WebClient will now point to the correct name and should resolve the issue.

Additional Information

If any further questions are needed, please do not hesitate to contact CA Support.