Gen toolset checkout error "The model ... may have been corrupted"
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Gen toolset checkout error "The model ... may have been corrupted"


Article ID: 92789


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Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset


Gen toolset model checkout shows message:
"The model <model_name> may have been corrupted.  Do you still want to save it?"
The user chose to save the model and the model appears to be working correctly.  Is it OK to continue to use the model or is the model corrupted?


Gen Toolset
8.5, 8.6


This message does not represent an actual model corruption, rather a memory error reported by the Toolset memory validation. 
The code reports it as if it’s a memory error, but once user selects to save, it has no problem creating the memory structures behind the scenes and proceeding with the save.


The user can therefore select to save and continue to use the model without fear of it being corrupted.

Additional Information

NOTE: A fix for problem CGTS/1498 was made in 8.5 PTF TSN85028/RO91356 and 8.6 PTF TSN86002/RO92004 (superseded by IRN86100/RS94237) where for a particular scenario of memory validation failure a flow to the "save" logic was enabled rather than just closing the model. The messaging was changed as follows:
"Memory corruption in model, cannot complete request." (user had no option to save the model)
"The model <model_name> may have been corrupted. Do you still want to save it?" (user given option to save the model)

Also see related KB: Gen toolset checkout error "Memory corruption in model"

Gen 8.6 Toolset Messages: The model variable may have been corrupted. Do you still want to save it?