Netmaster enqueue on TCPIP.DATA prevents ability to update
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Netmaster enqueue on TCPIP.DATA prevents ability to update


Article ID: 9276


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NetMaster Network Automation NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management


An attempt to update the TCPIP.DATA via TSO fails with 


Data set, 'TCPIP.TCPIP.DATA' is in use by the following x user(s) and/or job(s):




This is a Netmaster region.

If the data set is shared across multiple LPARS running Netmaster, the enqueue message my show multiple  jobnames.


How can I update the data set without bringing down Netmaster?


Netmaster 12.1



TCP/IP Software Type ......... IBM

in the $NM SOCKETS parameter group causes a SHR enqueue on the TCPIP.DATA.


This is working as designed. 


1. When /PARMS INTERFACES $NM SOCKETS contains IBM as the TCP/IP Software Type,  the SYSTCPD DD is required to enable the listener initialization with the TCP/IP stack, so it is allocated as shared. 


2. Listeners set up using the USS socket interface do not require the SYSTCPD.  


3. If you change the SOCKETS parameter group to use USS and action it, the file remains allocated. 


4. However, if you change the SOCKETS parameter group to use USS, save the change (PF4) and cycle the region, the SYSTCPD is not deallocated. 


The only thing this is changing is the manner in which you set up the listener port with IBM, so it has no adverse effects. 


Recommended solution:

As per item 4 above, change your /PARMS SOCKETS parameter group to use USS, and save the change.

To release the TCPIP.DATA, you have two options.

1. issue /ALLOC and scroll down to the SYTCPD DD.  Select it with option U to unallocate it.
    Alternately, issue UNALLOC DD=SYSTCPD from the CMD screen.
    Both have the same effect of freeing up the TCPIP.DATA.


2. Cycle the region.


Once that is complete on all involved systems, the TCPIP.DATA will once again be available for update via TSO. 




If you have change management that will delay implementation of the above changes, you can update the file within Netmaster:

1.Logon to your Netmaster region and issue /DATASET.


2. Use the EDIT function, putting the DSN of your TCPIP.DATA file in the Dataset Name field and editing the desired TCPIP.DATA from within the Netmaster region.