Search Deamon es_ebl occupies all DB sessions
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Search Deamon es_ebl occupies all DB sessions


Article ID: 92748


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


After installing Option "xflow_installed" and restarting all servers, the Search Deamon (es_ebl) process consumes a lot of db connections without limitation

Running a netstat -ano command from the given SDM Server may show a large number of connections that are being made to the database server and are tied to the PID that is associated with the Search Deamon (es_ebl) process.  Backend database server may also report a large number of such connections coming from ElasticSearch / Search Deamon (es_ebl) process.

Such a scenario may result in the database connections becoming saturated and will disallow any new connections from being made.  


Release: 17.3 or higher

Components: MDB- Elastic Search


execute at the command line:

pdm_options_mgr -s ES_DB_SUPPORT -v off -a pdm_option.inst
pdm_options_mgr -s ES_DB_SUPPORT -v off -a pdm_option.inst -t

After implementing the above variable in NX.env and template, recycling SDM services is required.

These commands create @NX_ES_DB_SUPPORT=off in NX.env and template.

With the variable set as per above, data is directly sent to elastic search instead of dumping it in the es_events table in the MDB database and then moving this data from DB to elastic search.

Additional Information

The setting in question, ES_DB_SUPPORT, is described further in our existing documentation for 17.3 (link) and 17.4 (link).