Can CA Gen Web View dialog be full browser page like Web Generation dialog
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Can CA Gen Web View dialog be full browser page like Web Generation dialog


Article ID: 92731


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


A Web Generation secondary dialog box defaults to a full browser page but that can be overridden to be a pop-up with the Assemble option "Web Gen Client" > "Enable Pop-Up Dialogs".
A Web View secondary dialog box defaults to a pop-up. Can it also be changed to be a full browser page?


Gen 8.x


Displaying a Web View client dialog as a pop-up is part of the improved look & feel over the original Web Generation (one of the main reasons the Web View feature was added).
For Web View there is no option to force a dialog pop-up to display as a full browser page instead. 

Additional Information

The Assemble options "Web Gen Client" and "Cross Context Flows" are only available for Web Generation.