Configure the Coordinator and Simulator services to use the server fully qualified domain name should resolve the issue.
Here are the steps to change the Coordinator and Simulator services name in the vmoptions file.
1. In the Coordinator server, go the $DEVTEST_HOME/bin folder.
2. Open the CoordinatorServer.vmoptions and CoordinatorService.vmoptions files.
3. Add the following properties to the two files - without the brackets "<" and ">":
4. Save and close the files.
5. In the Simulator server, go to $DEVTEST_HOME/bin folder.
6. Open the Simulator.vmoptions and SimulatorService.vmoptions files.
7. Add the following properties to the two files - without the brackets "<" and ">":
8. Save and close the files.
9. Restart DevTest components.
These properties can also be applied in the file. Then it won't be needed in the vmoptions files.
Here are the steps to add these properties to the
1. In the Coordinator server, go the $DEVTEST_HOME/ folder.
2. Open the file and add the properties below:
3. In the Simulator server, go the $DEVTEST_HOME/ folder.
4. Open the file and add the properties below: