Identity Manager is not able to change AD account password, it is not syncing or any other attribute is not being syncing with AD account
Identity Manager 14.x
From Provisioning Manager in ADS Properties page the password was set using the Update button, even do the problem still persist.
In the ADS log ../ProvisioningServe/logs/ADS folder we have the ADS log with the following error message:
ldap_simple_bind_s() .....ERROR: 49
LdapGetLastError(): 49
Error msg: Invalid Credentials
The account is located under correct OU/Container, and password was verified and it is correct.
For some reason the Update button didn't update correctly the password, in this case use the etautil command below to force the update.
etautil -u SuperUserToLogin -p PasswordOfSuperUser update 'eTNamespaceName=ActiveDirectory' eTADSDirectory eTADSDirectoryName='Your_ADS_EndpointName' eTADSAuthPwd='The_Password'
After that, close Provisioning Manager, and restart Provisioning Server service.