The auditRecord_09_23_2024.csv log file on Linux is showing this error over and over
system,,,,,,,License Check,0,0,DRAS Server <server>:DRASSRV doesn't support LMP license check,,
Login,0,0,"DRAS Server <server>:DRASSRV doesn't support security check.",,
The CCISSL started task on z/OS is showing:
CAS9855I Task 0051 has connection from #######/#####.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: SSL function gsk_secure_socket_init.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: SSL function rc = 420 ->.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: Socket closed by remote partner.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: SSL I/O ErrNo = 121 ->.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: EDC5121I Invalid argument..
From DEBUG information on the ccitrace.cfg, we found that there was a ‘permission denied’ error for Tomcat trying to access the Keystore file
Permissions on the appropriate directory and files were modified with chmod, and the problem is now resolved.
Also, if needed, please refer to ERROR: CA DRAS server is not available for security check Web Viewer 12.1