ERROR: "DRAS Server doesn't support LMP license check." CAS9899E Errors OM Web Viewer 12.1
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ERROR: "DRAS Server doesn't support LMP license check." CAS9899E Errors OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 9223


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


 The auditRecord_09_23_2024.csv log file on Linux is showing this error over and over 

system,,,,,,,License Check,0,0,DRAS Server <server>:DRASSRV doesn't support LMP license check,, 
Login,0,0,"DRAS Server <server>:DRASSRV doesn't support security check.",,

The CCISSL started task on z/OS is showing: 
CAS9855I Task 0051 has connection from #######/#####.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: SSL function gsk_secure_socket_init.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: SSL function rc = 420 ->.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: Socket closed by remote partner.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: SSL I/O ErrNo = 121 ->.
CAS9899E Task 0051 Error: EDC5121I Invalid argument..


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Apache Tomcat®
  • Linux


From DEBUG information on the ccitrace.cfg, we found that there was a ‘permission denied’ error for Tomcat trying to access the Keystore file


Permissions on the appropriate directory and files were modified with chmod, and the problem is now resolved. 

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