Why is SQL Server Enterprise Edition the only supported SQL Server version for Insights Datamart?
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Why is SQL Server Enterprise Edition the only supported SQL Server version for Insights Datamart?


Article ID: 91935


Updated On: 06-27-2024


CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Which  SQL Server Enterprise Edition supported for Insights Datamart?


CA Service Management 17.3.X
Insights Datamart


The CA Service Management 17.1 Supportability Matrix shows that only SQL Server Enterprise Edtiion (2012, 2014 and 2016) is the only SQL Server version supported/certified with Insights Datamart.

The technical reason for this is that there are some online index operations that the Insight Datamart jobs depend on (Pentaho API) that SQL Server Standard Edition does not support.  

Since the online index operations can only be successfully executed with SQL Server Enterprise Edition, therefore SQL Server Enterprise Edition (2012, 2014 and 2016) is the only SQL version supported/certified with Insights Datamart.