User cannot register second device for CA Mobile OTP?
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User cannot register second device for CA Mobile OTP?


Article ID: 9191


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CA Advanced Authentication


When trying to create device registration function for the CA Mobile OTP (ArcotOTP-OATH) and using the simulator program "arcot OTPDesktop" to test the registration.

Below are the details about the provisioning URL, User ID and activation code as following:

  1. Provisioning URL=http://{Server IP + Port}/arcotafm/controller_aotp.jsp?profile=mobileotp
  2. User Identifier=user name of the user profile
  3. Activation Code=OTP generated for such user

User can successfully register the 1st device, then using the same value of (1) and (2), with a NEW generated OTP for such user at (3) to register the second device. But it return "Account Provision Error" and registration failed.

Is there anything wrong in our steps and what should be the valid scenario?


Strong Authentication 8.2 Desktop OTP Client


Here are the solutions to the roaming scenarios being faced by the customer:- 

1) If 'CA mobile OTP Desktop Client' is used in end-user environment, we suggest them to use only IE to provision for first time but they can use any browser to provision later to other devices during roaming. 

2) Alternately, end-user can use non-browser based Desktop OTP Client solution.