1-ICSCDISP09E - PMS RPA I/O Error - Press Clear to continue.
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1-ICSCDISP09E - PMS RPA I/O Error - Press Clear to continue.


Article ID: 91862


Updated On:


Ideal IPC


What does message  "1-ICSCDISP09E - PMS RPA I/O Error - Press Clear to continue."  mean?


IPC 14.0  
IDEAL 14.0


The PMS RPA (read presentation area) failed because of a terminal error
User Response: Press the Clear key to continue.

This error indicates that IPC has detected an inconsistent 3270 datastream.
This is normally caused by a VTAM error or hardware error.
Some customers have linked the error to a VTAM parameter called PACING. Others have attributed it to their session managers or emulators.
Others due to programming errors like when an IDEAL program calls a COBOL subprogram and that subprogram does terminal I/O, which is prohibited.
It's not a problem in IPC nor IDEAL.