The submission account does not exist in the node when the future launch is to be created.
Checking universe.log file during command execution the following messages were found:
================================= 2018-08-30 09:09:44 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=5271.140271845091072| xn_get_id | O_TYPE_USER ID not found for <univadm> | 2018-08-30 09:09:44 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=5271.140271845091072| o_io_cache_data_provider_ | Error getting ID for <univadm>: 600 | 2018-08-30 09:09:44 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=5271.140271845091072| populate_sbart_for_create | cannot read USER id [univadm], err=[600] | 2018-08-30 09:48:19 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=5271.140271861876480| xn_get_id | O_TYPE_USER ID not found for <univadm> =================================
The submission account univadm does not exist in the node when the future launch is to be created.
To solve the issue create the submission account via UVC console or by using the command