getting errors while issuing jil
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getting errors while issuing jil


Article ID: 91783


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


The following error is seen when issuing the jil command from a client system
CAUAJM_E_10684 Unable to establish a network connection to [host1234:9,000].
CAUAJM_E_10221 Exhausted list of available Application Server(s). Failing request

CAUAJM_E_50033 Error initializing tx subsystem:  
CAUAJM_E_10062 Failed to get initial configuration from CA WAAE Application Server(s).


CA Workload Automation AE 11.3.x


Confirm the client host can resolve and reach the application server host.
Consider adding the application server host and IP to the local hosts file on the client.

Additionally confirm the csampmux settings are equal on both the server and client.
To view the settings:
$CSAM_SOCKADAPTER/bin/csamconfigedit display
$CSAM_SOCKADAPTER/bin/csamconfigedit port=<AutoServerPort> display
Example of making a change:
$CSAM_SOCKADAPTER/bin/csamconfigedit port=9000 enablepmux=true enablessl=false
NOTE - the above must be executed by root.

By default the AutoServerPort, 9000 is a virtual port.
The physical port for csam is 7163.
7163 must be opened between the two hosts for bi-directional communication.