Error when moving artifact to swimlane
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Error when moving artifact to swimlane


Article ID: 91737


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Using a Kanban board that is separated into swimlanes that are based on a custom field.  When trying to move an artifact to another lane, an error is thrown that resembles the following:
US12345 an unexpected error occurred: Validation error: HierarchicalRequirement.CustomField Value [ Value1 ] for field [ CustomField ] is invalid. Valid values are: {[Value2, Value3, Value4]}


Component: ACSAAS


This is caused by having a missing value in the custom field.  It is possible that the value was accidentally deleted.


It is possible to simply readd the field into the custom field value list.  A project admin or possibly workspace admin will need to make this modification.
It will be necessary to ensure that the definition is readded in the correct artifact type.  By default the field edited will only be applicable to defects so it may be necessary to change the "type" and modify a user story field, for example.

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