How use copycat for the multivolumes
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How use copycat for the multivolumes


Article ID: 91697


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


When doing a filecopy of Multivolume datasets,  do you just code the First 
volume in the input or do you have to code all volumes in the chain.       


Component: CPYCAT


Need to code the first volume of a multivolume dataset and with FILES=ALL or FILES=ACTIVE. The chained volumes are automatically selected.
The difference between ALL and ACTIVE is that ACTIVE say don't copy the files that are expired.

All volsers should be defined in the TMC file.

We do not update the HSM or DMS files with the new volser. Because of this we do not recommend using copycat to copy these EDM tapes. You would be better off using a utility from each of these individual products to copy their data to new media. recycle for HSM and merge for DMS.

Running a TMSSTATS with PARM='ALL' we can see if the EDM is defined.