Datamaker: View Server State Error
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Datamaker: View Server State Error


Article ID: 9161


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


We would like to know how we could bypass the VIEW SERVER STATE error we get when we trying to connect to the Datamaker repository.
While creating the connection profile for the repository and entering in credentials, we receive this error message: 

Internal Error 
TCP Protocol must be enabled and detectable for your SQL Server instance! 
The user "GTREP" does not have sufficient privileges to determine the IP address of the server. 
Please grant VIEW SERVER STATE to the user and try again. 

We do not have control over the SQL server as we are using a centralized environment.
We are hoping there is a way we could skip this part of the installation or get this error not to show so we can continue.
Once the TDM installation has finished and we have connected to the repository, do we need to maintain this permission to work with TDM?
Also, why do we need this permission? 


CA Test Data Manager


TDM does require that TCP protocol be enabled for use of SQL Server with Datamaker.
Both these things will be required to use SQL Server as your repository and that is the only way to not have this prompt show. 
You cannot skip the connecting to the repository part of the installation. 


The only way to resolve this is to ask your DBA to make sure the GTREP (repository) user has a privilege level high enough to 'VIEW SERVER STATE'.
Once this has been granted, you will be able to proceed with connecting to the repository. 

You will need the 'View Server State' privileges on an ongoing basis for TDM. 
The View Server State permission allows for TDM to access server scoped dynamic management views and functions in SQL Server, which can be used to monitor the health of a server instance, diagnose problems, and tune performance.

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