local.properties is updated with proxy details but Workstation is not able to reach the endpoint
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local.properties is updated with proxy details but Workstation is not able to reach the endpoint


Article ID: 9145


Updated On:


CA Application Test CA Continuous Application Insight (PathFinder) Service Virtualization


The local.properties file was updated with the proxy  details as per the below properties and the Workstation was restarted.

## ==============================================
## HTTP Proxy Server
## ==============================================
#lisa.http.webProxy.host=<machine name or ip>
##list of excluded machine names or ip addresses delimited by pipes, * wildcard accepted <machine name or ip>[|<machine name or ip>]*

## ==============================================
## HTTPS Proxy Server
## ==============================================
#lisa.http.webProxy.ssl.host=<machine name or ip>
##list of excluded machine names or ip addresses delimited by pipes, * wildcard accepted <machine name or ip>[|<machine name or ip>]*


When executing a test case, we are not able to reach the endpoint.

The same endpoint is accessible via web browser.


All supported DevTest releases and platforms.


One of the reasons is that the proxy information is not correct.


If you are able to reach the endpoint via web browser, verify what is the proxy settings for the browser.

Open the browser settings and LAN settings.

If the option enabled is Use Automatic Configuration Script, copy the whole address specified and try to access it via browser.

A PAC file will be downloaded (like proxy.php or proxy.pac)

Try to open this file with a text editor.

Looking at the PAC file try to identify your proxy details.

Then update your local.properties with the proxy details. 

Here is more information about proxy.pac file: Autoconfigure Scripts for Proxy Settings

Additional Information

If the proxy settings are not required for most servers, rather than updating local.properties, these properties can be set in a script step just before the step that needs the proxy.
The following code could be used to set the properties:
testExec.SetStateValue ("lisa.http.webProxy.ssl.host", "<hostname of the proxy server>" );
testExec.SetStateValue ("lisa.http.webProxy.ssl.port", "<port used by the proxy server>" );