Data Aggregator synchronization failure
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Data Aggregator synchronization failure


Article ID: 9133


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


The following is seen when you click on Data Aggregator, and then "Log" on the data source list.  "A processing failure occurred on the data source during synchronization"

The following is seen in the DMService.log:


ERROR | pool-2-thread-5          | 2018-01-07 00:07:38,141 |


Invalid or incomplete information was provided to CAPC during sync with data source Data Aggregator@xxxxx.  The problem is in the data source, not CAPC.  A full sync of the data source may resolve the problem.  Additional information is provided below:

DataSource Data Aggregator@xxxxx has sent items with unknown subtypes:

1 items of type component and subtype AllEngines

1 items of type component and subtype Engine



Dx NetOps Performance Management all versions


Simply do a full sync of the Data Aggregator data source and it should resolve the synchronization failure with CAPM