Question about Endevor ESRCHFOR
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Question about Endevor ESRCHFOR


Article ID: 9071


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Trying to use  ESRCHFOR (FDP) with Endevor and getting message 'invalid option'


This feature is offered as prototype and is not included in the standard Endevor Package.



The feature works by providing an override to the standard Endevor panels/clists etc.

It should be installed in separate libraries and concatenated ahead of the shipped Endevor versions. 

The attached zip file contains the basic distribution and a document with full details on how to perform the install, however the basic steps are summarized here for convenience:

Additional Information

The feature is only available from community page 'LongName Utility FDP'.

Note that several features are also included in the zip file;
WideScreen            - Endevor QE Widescreen Support
ESrchfor              - As an End  user I need a better search tool
Diff Tool             - Enhanced element compare
User Extension Points - User Extension Points in QuickEdit and Endevor...
Project Switcher      - Endevor Project Switcher
You will have to follows the instruction available from the file LongNameInstall.V43.pdf.