Applications Manager Installation/Upgrade Prompts
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Applications Manager Installation/Upgrade Prompts


Article ID: 90581


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


Applications Manager Installation/Upgrade Prompts


Release: 9.x
Component: Applications Manager



Applications Manager Installation or Upgrade Prompts

Below is a list of Applications Manager's Install/Upgrade prompt, default value, and notes.

Go to version 9.3.x and below

Go to version 9.4.0 to 9.5.3

Go to version 9.6 and above




9.3.x and below

Applications Manager Prompts Default Value Notes
Select the Operating System and Machine? <Detected Operating System> Install should auto detect your OS
Is this correct? Y Refers to detected environment
 M - Install Applications Manager Automation Engine
 A - Install Applications Manager Agent Only
<Null> M = Master install will install Master + Local Agent

A = Remote Agent
Would you like to install Apache now? Y Installs Apache Web Server
Enter the path to the root of your existing web server or press Enter to install Apache ? Install Apache If 'Y' is selected above, enter the path to Apache Home
Which directory should Apache be installed in? $AW_HOME If 'N' is selected above, enter the path that you would like to install Apache
What should the Apache Server name be?
This must be a valid IP address or hostname for this machine.
If the Web Server will be accessed through a Proxy, a fully
qualified domain name should be used.  Otherwise a static IP
address can be used:
Generally is the same host or IP of Automation Engine
Which port should Apache listen on? 5050 Default Apache Port
Enter Applications Manager Install Directory? $AW_HOME Path of AM's home directory
Install Automation Engine's agent? Y An Automation Engine should always have a local Agent
Ok to extract files (Stack will be stopped)? Y Needs to be Y to extract necessary installation files
Automation Engine Name?   <AUTOMATION ENGINE NAME> Name of the Master
Automation Engine's IP address or DNS name? <>
DNS Name
IP/host of Master
Applications Manager's Oracle Login? <Null>  
Application Manager's Oracle Login Connect String? <Null> Needed if Database is remote to AM install
Applications Manager Oracle Instance Name (SID)? <Null> In version 9, SID is replaced with Service Name
Oracle Instance IP or DNS name Address? <>
<DNS name>
Same as Automation Engine IP/Host unless remote in which you would also define a connect string.
Oracle Listener Port? 1521 Default Listener Port
Time of start of Virtual day 00:00 Default start of Virtual Day
Time Zone? <Detected Timezone> Default timezone
Host name of SMTP Server? <SMTP hostname> Needed to send out email
Port for SMTP Server? 25 Needed to send out email
Return Email address for notifications? <null> Email address listed in the "From" field in emails sent out by AM
AwComm Port Number? 2136 Default Awcomm port
Automation Engine require it's own RMI server? Yes Should always be 'Yes'
Apache Web Server installed on this machine? Yes Should be 'Yes' unless Apache is installed on a different Server
Full path of the Apache Directory? <$AW_HOME/apache> Enter the path to the Apache directory
Port the web server listens on? 5050 Default Apache Port
Location of Web Directory? <$AW_HOME> Path to the wefb directory
IP address or DNS name of this computer? <>
<DNS Name>
Should be the same at Automation Engine IP/Host
Rmi Registry Port Number? 1099 Default Port for RMI Registry Port
Enable SSL Encryption? Yes Encryption used for communication between AM components
Enable Automation Engine Agent Encryption? Yes Should Always be set to 'Yes'
Firewall installed? No Entering Yes requires additional ports to be defined
Enable RmiServer Debug? No Select Yes to enable RMI debug
Remove installation links? N Refers to symlinks that are created during install
Create/Update File Repository? N Creates optional backup in the $AW_HOME/update directory
Is the above correct? Yes Select 'No' if values are incorrect
Ok to extract files (Stack will be stopped)? Y Needs to be Y to extract necessary installation files
Applications Manager Oracle Password? <null> Enter AM Oracle Password
Menu Option? 1 Option 1 for install/Upgrade and upgrade process will start
Menu Option? Q Option Q for quit
Are you sure you want to quit? Yes  

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9.4.0 and above

Applications Manager Prompts Default Value Notes
Select the Operating System and Machine? <Detected Operating System> Install should auto detect your OS
Is this correct? Y Refers to detected environment
 M - Install Applications Manager Automation Engine
 A - Install Applications Manager Agent Only
<Null> M = Master install will install Master + Local Agent

A = Remote Agent
 Enter Source Path and OJDBC jar file (example: /home/jar/ojdbc6.jar): <Null> ojdbc driver is generally found in ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib
Would you like to install Tomcat now? [Y] Y Installs Tomcat Web Server
Which directory should Tomcat be installed in? $AW_HOME If 'Y' is selected above, enter the path where you want to install Tomcat
 What should the Tomcat Server name be?
 This must be a valid IP address or hostname for this machine.
 If the Web Server will be accessed through a Proxy, a fully
 qualified domain name should be used.  Otherwise a static IP
address can be used:
Generally is the same host or IP of Automation Engine
Which port should Tomcat listen on? 8080 Default Tomcat Port
Enter Applications Manager Install Directory? $AW_HOME Path of AM's home directory
Install Automation Engine's agent? Y An Automation Engine should always have a local Agent
Ok to extract files (Stack will be stopped)? Y Needs to be Y to extract necessary installation files
Automation Engine Name?   <AUTOMATION ENGINE NAME> Name of the Master
Automation Engine's IP address or DNS name? <>
DNS Name
IP/host of Master
Oracle Login Name <Null>  
Oracle Service Name <Null>  
Oracle SQL*Net Connect String (if required) <Null> Generally required if database is remote
Oracle Instance IP or DNS name Address? <>
<DNS name>
Same as Automation Engine IP/Host unless remote in which you would also define a connect string.
Oracle Listener Port? 1521 Default Listener Port
Time of start of Virtual day 00:00 Default start of Virtual Day
Time Zone? <Detected Timezone> Default time zone
Host name of SMTP Server? <SMTP hostname> Needed to send out email
Port for SMTP Server? 25 Needed to send out email
Return Email address for notifications? <null> Email address listed in the "From" field in emails sent out by AM
AwComm Port Number? 2136 Default Awcomm port
Install local Rmi Server? Yes Should always be 'Yes'
Tomcat Web Server installed on this machine? Yes Should be 'Yes' unless Tomcat is installed on a different Server
Full path of the Tomcat Directory? <null> Enter the path to the Tomcat Home directory. You may need to refer to 'Tomcat server_root' value seen after initial Tomcat installation portion of the AM installation 
Web Server Port 8080 8080 is default Tomcat Port
Location of Web Directory? <$AW_HOME> Path where the web directory exist which is likely $AW_HOME
IP address or DNS name of this computer? <>
<DNS Name>
Should be the same at Automation Engine IP/Host
Rmi Registry Port Number? 1099 Default Port for RMI Registry Port
Enable SSL Encryption? Yes Encryption used for communication between AM components
Enable Automation Engine Agent Encryption? Yes Should Always be set to 'Yes'
Firewall installed? No Entering Yes requires additional ports to be defined
Enable RmiServer Debug? No Select Yes to enable RMI debug
Remove installation links? N Refers to symlinks that are created during install
Create/Update File Repository? N Creates optional backup in the $AW_HOME/update directory
Is the above correct? Yes Select 'No' if values are incorrect
Ok to extract files (Stack will be stopped)? Y Needs to be Y to extract necessary installation files
Applications Manager Oracle Password? <null> Enter AM Oracle Password
Menu Option? 1 Option 1 for install/Upgrade and upgrade process will start
Menu Option? Q Option Q for quit
Are you sure you want to quit? Yes  
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9.6 and above

Applications Manager Prompts Default Value Notes
Select the Operating System and Machine? <Detected Operating System> Install should auto detect your OS
Is this correct? Y Refers to detected environment
 M - Install Applications Manager Automation Engine
 A - Install Applications Manager Agent Only
<Null> M = Master install will install Master + Local Agent

A = Remote Agent
Enter Applications Manager Install Directory Present working directory Path to install Applications Manager
Install Automation Engine's agent? Y An Automation Engine should always have a local Agent
Ok to extract files (Stack will be stopped)? Y Needs to be Y to extract necessary installation files
Automation Engine Name?   <AUTOMATION ENGINE NAME> Name of the Master
Automation Engine's IP address or DNS name? <>
DNS Name
IP/host of Master
Oracle Login Name <Null>  
Oracle Service Name <Null>  
Oracle SQL*Net Connect String (if required) <Null> Generally required if database is remote
Oracle Instance IP or DNS name Address? <>
<DNS name>
Same as Automation Engine IP/Host unless remote in which you would also define a connect string.
Oracle Listener Port? 1521 Default Listener Port
Time of start of Virtual day 00:00 Default start of Virtual Day
Time Zone? <Detected Timezone> Default time zone
Host name of SMTP Server? <SMTP hostname> Needed to send out email
Port for SMTP Server? 25 Needed to send out email
Return Email address for notifications? <null> Email address listed in the "From" field in emails sent out by AM
AwComm Port Number? 2136 Default Awcomm port
Install local Rmi Server? Yes Should always be 'Yes'
Integrated web server port  8080 Default port to be used by Applications Manager's Integrated web server port. Installation will check to see if this port is being used.
Enable REST APIs No Select Yes to Enable REST APIs
Location of Web Directory? <$AW_HOME> Path where the web directory exist which is likely $AW_HOME
Rmi Registry Port Number? 1099 Default Port for RMI Registry Port
Enable SSL Encryption? Yes Encryption used for communication between AM components
Enable Automation Engine Agent Encryption? Yes Should Always be set to 'Yes'
Firewall installed? No Entering Yes requires additional ports to be defined
Enable RmiServer Debug? No Select Yes to enable RMI debug
Remove installation links? N Refers to symlinks that are created during install
Create/Update File Repository? N Creates optional backup in the $AW_HOME/update directory
Is the above correct? Yes Select 'No' if values are incorrect
Ok to extract files (Stack will be stopped)? Y Needs to be Y to extract necessary installation files
Applications Manager Oracle Password? <null> Enter AM Oracle Password
Menu Option? 1 Option 1 for install/Upgrade and upgrade process will start
Menu Option? Q Option Q for quit
Are you sure you want to quit? Yes  

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