Job Aborts with "sqlplus: not found" displayed in the output File
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Job Aborts with "sqlplus: not found" displayed in the output File


Article ID: 90566


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


A job set to call and run sqlplus is aborting with a  "sqlplus: not found" error message in the failed job's output file.

The following error is seen in the output file:

+ sqlplus -s

/home/appworx/exec/SQLP[32]: sqlplus: not found.


CA Automic Applications Manager




Verify whether you can do the following:

Log into the machine as the AppWorx OS user.

Set the correct environment by doing the following:


Go to the $AW_HOME/site directory. 

Issue the following command:

. sosite

For NT

Go to the %AW_HOME%\site directory. 

Issue the following command:


See if you can log into SQL*Plus as the AppWorx Oracle user.

If you can log into SQL*Plus as the AppWorx Oracle user, then your oraenv has the incorrect path to SQL*Plus. You can either fix your oraenv or not call it from AppWorx. For more information, see your OS administrator. Be sure to stop and restart processes on the agent machine. For directions on stopping and starting the processes, see Shutdown and Startup Procedures for the AppWorx Processes. Sessions inherit the agent's environment, so when changes are made you must stop and restart processes to propigate the changes.

If you want to test to verify your oraenv is causing the problem:

Log into the machine as the AppWorx OS user.

Issue the following:

. oraenv

Try to log into SQL*Plus as the AppWorx Oracle user.