Can multiple installs of Applications Manger communicate with the same database?
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Can multiple installs of Applications Manger communicate with the same database?


Article ID: 90438


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


Can multiple installs of Applications Manger communicate with the same database?


CA Automic Applications Manager



Yes, it is possible to point two or more version of Applications Manager to a single DB. Each installation will need its own schema within the database. Instructions are the same as those used for an installation of Applications Manger. The difference is that each instance would point to a separate database schema.


Check with the applicable database vendor to determine if there are any known issues associated with duplicate objects on the same DB, but in different schemas.


Keep in mind, that if anything goes wrong with the DB, then all of the instance using it would be down until the overall database issue has been resolved. We neither do nor recommend introducing a single point of failure in a production environment. Automic support recommends using a single database for production environments. Test and development/QA instances should function, but consider using separate databases for each environment where applicable.