After upgrading to the RA Banner Agent v3.5.3 from a lower version, Banner jobs fail.
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After upgrading to the RA Banner Agent v3.5.3 from a lower version, Banner jobs fail.


Article ID: 90400


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


After upgrading to the RA Banner Agent v3.5.3 from a lower version, Banner jobs fail.


Release: AOMBOA99000-3.0-Automic-Operations Manager-Business Objects Agent


Applicable toBanner RA Agent Versions:  3.5.3 and above

Error Message Details:

/opt/am8/Banner/UBAN/UC4gjajobs.shl: test: argumentexpected


After upgrading to the RA Banner Agent v3.5.3 from a lower Agent version, Banner jobs fail and you see an error similar to the one above displayed in  the job log.


In Banner RA Agent versions prior to v3.5.3 the Banner program password was displayed as one of the parameters of the process at the command line for the UC4gjajobsCustom.shl script.  To prevent that, the script was changed (See PRB0190722 Fix) to use the environment variable 'UC4Pass' as the fourth prompt when the UC4gjajobsCustom.shl script is called. 


As a result of the changes made to the CU4gjajobsCustom.shl script to resolve PRB0190722, the UC4gjajobsCustom.shl script now uses the environment variable 'UC4Pass' as the fourth prompt instead of displaying the Banner password on the command line.  After upgrading, it will only show the letter 'p'.  Issuaing a ps -ef|grep UC4gjajobsCustom command will no longer show the password.  Example command line results are shown below.

Before upgrading:

user11111 0 13:15 ? 00:00:00 sh /v9/RA_

BANNER1/banwrk/UC4gjajobsCustom.shlgurpded C banner banner 763


After upgrading:

user11111 0 13:15 ? 00:00:00 sh /v9/RA_

BANNER1/banwrk/UC4gjajobsCustom.shlgurpded C banner p 763NOPRINT

To retain or reinstate the legacy behavior where the password is displayed in the process command line of UC4gjajobsCustom.shl script, set and export the variable HIDE_PASS=no in the Banner Environment file, and restart the agent.

UNIX/Linux:  HIDE_PASS=no; export HIDE_PASS

Windows:  set HIDE_PASS=no