The https SPM test shows the following error in the jcollector log, even though the login credentials are correct:
[LOG_CRITICAL][2017-11-30 15:57:37][Thread:Thread-63][Pass #21]: [#645695064] ERRSRC:https ERRCODE:401 INDEX:645695064 NAME: TESTDESC:HBDC_ITPAM_30 ERROR: jcollector.SATestException: HTTP returned 401: Authentication failed
Resolving test-host (test-host)... 10.x.x.x
Connecting to test-host (test-host)|10.x.x.x|:8443... connected.
WARNING: cannot verify test-host's certificate, issued by ‘/CN=CA’:
Self-signed certificate encountered.
WARNING: certificate common name ‘CA’ doesn't match requested host name ‘test-host’.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized