1) If you are attempting to run the Automation Engine on Oracle, be sure that you are using the correct SQLDRIVERCONNECT= setting in the ucsrv.ini.
2) This error can be caused by using the incorrect ODBC connection. Double check that your ODBC connection has the same name as the DSN= in your SQLDRIVERCONNET= setting in ucsrv.ini
3) This error can be caused by not using the SQL Native Client for your ODBC connection. This can be found by viewing the following in the WP or CP log file:
SQLSRV32.DLL is for the regular ODBC connection. In order to confirm that you are using the Native Client, this line should like one of the following:
U0003535 DB INFO: 'DRIVER-NAME = sqlncli10.dll'
These include SQLNCLI* in the name which means it is the Native Client.
Problem Persists:
If you have attempted the above and are still seeing the same error, please send the following to Automic Support:
1) The full CP or WP log file where this message is being displayed
2) A screenshot of the ODBC connection name and successful connection test