LDAP error 49 - unable to authenticate
Release: AUTWAB99000-11.0-Automic Workload Automation-Base Edition
Setting LDAP SSL but it is return LDAP error 49 - unable to authenticate
20150902/120629.189 - U00045033 Log on to LDAP server 'ABC1.DEE.AD.TEST.EXAMPLE.ORG:777' with user 'DEE.AD.TEST.EXAMPLE.ORG\TESTABC@TEST.EXAMPLE.ORG'.
20150902/120629.404 - U00045035 Detected Microsoft LDAP Server.
20150902/120629.459 - U00045014 Exception 'javax.naming.AuthenticationException: "[LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903C8, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v2580
20150902/120629.460 - U00045040 LDAP check with logon user 'DEE.AD.TEST.EXAMPLE.ORG\TESTABC@TEST.EXAMPLE.ORG' failed.
This error message we see: LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903C8, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v2580
The Automation Engine just logs the message it receives from the LDAP server, which says 'error code 49'. According to the RFC specification for LDAP this means 'invalid credentials'.
-Verified that Username/Password provide is correct
-Verified that username & domain name in the configuration is correct.