Serivce Desk Secondary server service will not start. Following errors are seen within the SDM STDLOG:
pdm_ver 1136 SIGNIFICANT pdm_ver.c 978 AHD55003:CA Service Desk Manager is updating your client configuration.
proctor_mad-soc-v 1500 SIGNIFICANT pdm_process.c 927 Process stopped ("E:/Program Files (x86)/CA/SC/JRE/1.7.0_10/bin/java" return: 0
proctor_mad-soc-v 1500 SIGNIFICANT pdm_process.c 936 Stopped: "E:/Program Files (x86)/CA/SC/JRE/1.7.0_10/bin/java"
proctor_mad-soc-v 1548 ERROR pdm_process.c 921 Process stopped unexpected exit code from: C:/PROGRA~1/CA/SERVIC~1/bin/pdm_ver -s Expected: 0 Received: 255
Service Desk Manager 14.x and 17.x
Primary/Secondary SDM Architecture
All Supported Windows Operating Systems
The error in the STDLOG relates to version control when the @NX_VER_CTL=UPGRADE variable is present in the NX.ENV file.
In addition, there are some file differences in the NX_ROOT/site/mods between the SDM Primary and SDM Secondary servers.
You can use the following steps to bring up the secondary server services.
1. Via Services Control Panel, ensure that the SDM service on the SDM Secondary server is in a 'STOPPED' state
2. Backup the NX.ENV file on the SDM Secondary server
3. Edit the NX.ENV file with a text editor and change the @NX_VER_CTL value from UPGRADE to DISABLE.
4. Start the SDM service on the SDM Secondary server
The SDM service on the SDM Secondary server should now start. Verify that you can login to the SDM UI via the SDM Secondary server URL.
Afterwards, compare the differences in the NX_ROOT/site/mods directory between the SDM Primary and Secondary servers.
Once the differences are located, copy the file(s) from the SDM Primary server to the SDM Secondary server and restart the SDM service on the SDM Secondary server with the @NX_VER_CTL=UPGRADE value set in the SDM Secondary server NX.ENV file.