Explanation of Sysview for Db2 RBNDRQRD exception
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Explanation of Sysview for Db2 RBNDRQRD exception


Article ID: 8960


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


The Sysview Performance Management Option for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) exception is as follows:

Menu Print Tools Help SYSVIEW for DB2 ssid xxxx 12/22/17 11:47:28 

1 DB2 2 All 3 Exception 4 Utility 5 DB2 Command 

Messages Messages 

Date (MM/DD) . . 12/22 Time (HH.MM.SS) . . 11.28.02 
12/22 11.28.02 xxxxxxx ssid - >>> CRIT: RBNDRQRD REBIND REQUIRED PLN xxxxxxxx COL xxxx_xxxx INV SELECTS 7 

What does this mean? Is this a recommendation?


For the RBNDRQRD IQL exception, you should get the specific information when you hit PF1 on the exception monitoring screen 

+IQL Application Exception:%RBNDRQRD 

%Rebind needed due to invalid select procedure 


+This exception identifies the plan containing columns (actually, rows times columns) for which an invalid select procedure was encountered.
Invalid select procedures are bypassed by DB2, and this can cause some performance degradation but not any runtime failures. 

+A select procedure can be made invalid when DB2 maintenance is applied that directly affects the select procedure. Plans and packages with
invalid select procedures continue to function correctly but with a small performance degradation. 


+To eliminate this degradation, rebind any plan or package that causes a nonzero value to appear. Rebinding a plan or package reenables its select procedures.
We recommend that the plans with the highest column count be rebound first. Note that only the plan is identified, so all packages in a plan should rebound as well as the plan itself.