Unable to link a Cost Plan Process to any Investment type other than Project
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Unable to link a Cost Plan Process to any Investment type other than Project


Article ID: 8956


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


Unable to link a Cost Plan Process to any Investment type other than Project

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. In PPM, go to Administration->Data Administration->Processes
  2. Click New to create a new process
  3. Enter the required information and click 'Save and Continue' (which takes you to the Objects tab)
  4. From the Objects, tab click 'Add Primary Object'
  5. For Object Type, select 'Cost Plan' then click 'Save and Return'
  6. Click the checkbox next to the 'Primary Object' associated in step 4, and then click 'Add Linked Object'
  7. From the 'Attribute' drop-down, select 'Object ID'

Expected Results: Ability to select another 'Attribute Object Type' such as Idea or Application

Actual Results: Project is displayed automatically as the 'Attribute Object Type' and you are unable to change it to another investment type


Applies to all supported PAS environments for specified releases.


This is working as designed.

When creating a process that has the Cost Plan as the Primary Object, PPM currently only provides the ability to link based on the Project investment type.