Remote Agent error "No agents started for ip address"
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Remote Agent error "No agents started for ip address"


Article ID: 89491


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


The following error can be seen in the Agentservice log

ErrorMsg: AwE-9999 Internal error
Details: No agents started for ip address: 123.456.78.9 and userid: Appworx

Observed behavior can be seen as:

  • Remote Agent stays in a No_Service or Srvc_Down when starting watchworx service
  • Jobs scheduled on the Agent go immediately into Launch Error without any output files
  • Agent unavailable error


Release: 9.4.x


The Agent Name, IP/host, or User values on the Agent installation does not match the Name, IP/host/ or User value for the Agent object as defined in the Java Client (GUI).


Review the Remote Agent configuration for the following:

  • The Remote Agent Name
  • The Remote Agent IP/host address for the server and confirm the value is set correcting in the awenv.ini
  • The User that is used to install the Remote Agent and owns $AW_HOME. For Windows, review the User assigned to the watchworx service (check service properties)

And compare these 3 values to the Agent as defined in the Java Client. Edit the Remote Agent and review the following:

  • Name
  • AgentService IP addresses
  • User

Confirm if the above values match.